
European Semester in Czech Republic 2017

The aim of the European Semester is to create common space for European Psychology that would greatly facilitate knowledge sharing and joint activities, which would in their turn stimulate the development of a European identity among psychologists in Europe.

Members Associations of EFPA are invited to organise a European Semester of Psychology in their country. They can opt to be organizer or steward or leader of a European Semester (ES) of 6 months. More about European Semester in Europe can be found here.

In 2017, Czech Republic organised European Semester from July till December. Mor about all the events and activities can be found on separate page.

Professor Wilhelm Hofmann visited the Czech Republic

In March 2014 Professor Hofmann from Universität zu Köln visited the Czech Republic and received in person the Comenius Career Psychologist Award for 2013. This award was given by the Union of Psychology Association of Czech Republic to the European Federation of Psychology Associations EFPA to commend young European psychologists for being a valuable asset to psychology as a science and profession.

Professor Hofmann delivered his lecture „Moral Thought, Emotion and Behavior in Everyday Life“, which was accepted very positively. The organization of the event was carried out with active help of the students of both psychology departments in Prague and Brno.

Professor Hofmann is a young scientist and an independent innovative thinker who has been bestowed the Comenius award for integration of the concepts of self-regulation, personality cognitive and social research and who has bridged successfully the laboratory and field research. He has developed an integrative framework for self-control. He has managed to apply the research output on the prediction of the influence on human behavior in everyday situations and has been developing successful cooperation with research workers from various areas of psychology. In his lecture, Professor Hofmann presented the field research of how people had been experiencing and participating in moral and immoral behavior in everyday life and how this experience relates to individual variables.

Photogallery here.